Happy National Cat Day 10/29/22

Buddy greets you for National Cat Day! Buddy is a wonderful retired stud from Betsy and Stan of Belle Hollow Farm and Exotics. His favorite thing to do is spoon with me in the bed and purr super loud. When I won’t let him under the covers he sits above my pillow and stares, purring even louder!

Responsible breeders are the best and I am so grateful. Belle Hollow Farm and Exotics are actively involved in rescue, rehoming, neutering and spaying pets, breeding animals with superior health and personalities, staying up to date on genetics and health issues, while helping folks find just the right cats. They have a lot of knowledge about the Savannah breed and also offer a superior program for Egyptian Maus.

purring very loud
body filled with vibrations
Buddy, happy spoon

Bright Blessings and Namaste! Raven and Buddy

Lavender Lovers 6/14/17

My lavender is in full bloom with lots of pollinators.  This bumblebee and skipper are super cute 🙂
in seeking sweetness
you find each little blossom
lavender lovers
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
Bright Bee and Butterfly blessings, Namu Amida Butsu, Namaste
~ Raven

Delightful Daylilies 6/13/17

More wind today that made it a bit challenging to get a portrait of my neighbors’ daylilies.  I persevered and was able to capture these 🙂
blowing in the wind
these delightful daylilies
bow so gracefully
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
Namaste, Namu Amida Butsu, Bright Blessings
~ Raven

Beloved Red Milkweed Beetle and Damselfly 6/11/17

It has been a super windy day and I’m excited to report my first sighting of my beloved red milkweed beetle.  I’ve been eagerly awaiting my friends.
This bright damselfly made an appearance, too.
pretty dragonfly
holding on to lavender
you ride the breezes
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
it’s early summer
one of my favorite beetles
makes an appearance
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017

Namaste, Namu Amida Butsu, Bright Blessings,
Our hearts give thanks for the Grace in the Universe!
~ Raven

Dreamtime For Kitties 6/10/17

Today has been lovely and quiet.  While the tomatoes wait to be planted, everyone rests from a busy week.  The spotted kitty is handicapped.  She is an early generation Savannah and has a birth defect that affects her back legs.  She still manages to get around, though.

quiet afternoon
two cuddling friends at rest
peacefully dreaming
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
on a quiet day
snuggling they run in their sleep
dreamtime for kitties
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
such deep kind friendship
with unconditional love
they’ll never judge you
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017

Bright Blessings, Namaste, Namu Amida Butsu
Our hearts give thanks for the Grace in the Universe!
~ Raven

Full Moon 6/9/17

I am enjoying a full moon. Earlier I visited damselfly, ladybug and wasp, all considered “beneficial insects”.
wasp and ladybug
great hunters in the garden
seeking their dinner
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
awesome damselfly
you are settled and resting
then you’ll be hunting
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
breaking through the clouds
the light of the moon shines bright
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
Bright Blessings, Namaste, Namu Amida Butsu
Our hearts give thanks for the Grace in the Universe!
~ Raven

LOL 6/8/17

My neighbors enjoy river rafting.  I enjoy taking photos in their yard. Their Buddha and flowers star in some of my portraits.

They have a vehicle that has petroglyph style decals.  I laughed today when I noticed a couple of decals that may be new (or I just noticed) and got a kick out of. One of my photos turned out clear and the other is so so. I have pretty petunias and decided to add pollen shots to my neighbors’ cute statements. They have a cat.
lurking in the yard
o mighty hunter of moths
here kitty kitty
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017

I imagine this represents those occasional moments when rafting.
moving with paddles
then river takes you away
heartbeat thundering
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
Bright Petunia Pollen Blessings, Namaste, Namu Amida Butsu
Our hearts give thanks for the Grace in the Universe!
~ Raven

Grateful Grasshopper 6/7/17

Little grasshoppers of different sizes hopped away when I tried to take their portraits.They seemed grateful that I didn’t pursue them.  It was early in the morning and the light was dim.  I felt grateful to get a couple of photos that weren’t blurred.

sitting on lemon
balm and mint you flee swiftly
grateful grasshopper
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
Bright Blessings, Namu Amida Butsu, Namaste
Our hearts give thanks for the Grace in the Universe!
~ Raven

Bee Fly, Bishop’s Weed, and Wowza Clover 6/5/17

I heard a neat interview today about beetles found in the La Brea tar-pits that still survive today called La Brea Beetles Revisited.  Check it out here.  Our friends today are the cool customer I used to call a teddy bear fly that I found out is a type of bee fly, the bishop’s weed blossom that it was hanging out in, and a white clover blossom that turned out to be a wowza portrait.  Enjoy 🙂
sit snowy blossoms
while I land upon your leaves
I am a bee fly
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
insects sip from me
I help to fix the soil
I am a clover
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
Bright Bee Fly Blessings, Namaste, Namu Amida Butsu
Our hearts give thanks for the Grace in the Universe!
~ Raven