Dreamtime For Kitties 6/10/17

Today has been lovely and quiet.  While the tomatoes wait to be planted, everyone rests from a busy week.  The spotted kitty is handicapped.  She is an early generation Savannah and has a birth defect that affects her back legs.  She still manages to get around, though.

quiet afternoon
two cuddling friends at rest
peacefully dreaming
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
on a quiet day
snuggling they run in their sleep
dreamtime for kitties
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017
such deep kind friendship
with unconditional love
they’ll never judge you
~ Raven Ariana Simons ©2017

Bright Blessings, Namaste, Namu Amida Butsu
Our hearts give thanks for the Grace in the Universe!
~ Raven

Love – Geese, Flowers, and Hard Decisions We Sometimes Have To Make to Be Compassionate (10/5/15)

“Some years ago, I read an article about two people in the arts (alas, I can’t remember who they were) who’d been married for many, many years. Asked for the secret of their long partnership, they said: “We fell straight into conversation when we met, and we haven’t come to the end of that conversation yet.”

I can’t think of a better model for marriage than that. Or of a narrative more romantic . . . .”
~ Terri Windling
10:5:15 L geese 1 sigMonday, October 5, 2015 – On day 5 of OcPoWriMo and funny enough one of the harder aspects of loving was up on my plate today, choosing to say goodbye.  While romantic love between humans is often thought of when we are asked about “LOVE”, there is also the love between family members, friends (including pets), and some of us have love affairs with certain creatures not usually considered sentient (though science is beginning to prove otherwise).  Someone I know truly loves a grove of aspen trees.  Today I had a super difficult day when I had to choose to have a long-time family member and friend, our Sokoke cat, Zomo, helped over the Rainbow Bridge by our vet.  This was traumatic because Zomo didn’t like people, was bonded to me, and freaked out when put in the cat carrier for his final journey as a living soul in this incarnation.  Though my act was one of love and compassion, in his eyes it was a betrayal.  Even though he was suffering, he didn’t want this to happen to him.  The vet assured us that we made the correct choice to end his suffering, though it was one of the hardest compassionate types of choice to make.  She couldn’t tell us exactly what was wrong, but assured us that even if we spent thousands of dollars he was unlikely to make it as he was having fluid come up from his deep in his throat with a good chance that it was cancer.  He was drowning.  I haven’t included a most current photo of Zomo, because the pictures I took today showed him looking rough and not like his beautiful self, though here are a few photos of Zomo and Asad as kittens and adults (Zomo is in back in the cat tree, and that is him in the single kitten photo).  Asad was Zomo’s litter-mate and passed from cancer a few years ago.  Zomo would have been 10 years old in the spring.  Rest in peace my dear friend!  Is the Rainbow Bridge made of flowers?
Zomo and Asad kittens sig Zomo and Asad adults sig “hard to say goodbye
to my faithful furry friends
rest in peace dear ones”
~ Raven Ariana Simons

Zomo kitten sigMy photos taken for today include geese and flowers and I chose these because geese mate for life and flowers are often given as tokens of love.  Flowers and pollinators make love that allow a great diversity of life to flourish so beautifully on earth.
10:5:15 L agustache 1 sig 10:5:15 L geese sig “high in the sky geese
migration is happening
goose pairs mate for life”
~ Raven Ariana Simons
10:5:15 L flower sig 10:5:15 L agustache sig“bees share flower love
people love to share flowers
are flowers Earth’s love?”
~ Raven Ariana Simons

10:5:15 L rose sigNamaste, Namu Amida Butsu, Bright Blessings ~ Raven

The Tortoise and the Roo (Therapy Animals) 4/9/14

Flashback Monday, April 9, 2012 – This female American robin was watching as her male was running off some invading males from the couple’s territory. The light was fading and I was trying to get close enough for a picture so she was looking at me with a wary eye. It was too dim to get any great photos of the boys.

April 9, 2012 sigFlashback Tuesday, April 9, 2013 – This is my pick photo for today and it stars a cute male house sparrow against the bright blue very late afternoon sky.

April 9, 2013 sigWednesday, April 9, 2014 – Hubby said something funny about today’s photos when he saw them.  The animals reminded him of the old fable about the tortoise and the hare, though instead of a hare we have a red kangaroo joey.  He said I could call today’s post title, “Hurry Up and Wait!”  This little baby red kangaroo wasn’t hopping around when we visited the Veteran’s rest home where my friend’s grandpa lives.  This is a great rest home and they have a very large tortoise (that hibernates during the winter), birds, resident cats, visiting pet therapy dogs, and during the spring and summer a special therapy animal….a red kangaroo joey.  This season’s joey is named Simon.  When summer is over he will go live with his new owners out of state.  The tortoise is named Turtle Man.  Without further ado I share with you “The Tortoise and the Roo” 🙂

4:9:14 tortoise body sig4:9:14 paws sig4:9:14 baby Simon sig4:9:14 tortoise face fwd sig4:9:14 face roo sig“It is the intuitive power of animals that can help us heal hurts, lessen stress, feel needed, and express our caring side.”
~ Marty Becker, DVM

4:9:14 roo facing right sig4:9:14 tortoise half body sig4:9:14 Simon sig4:9:14 tortoise sig4:9:14 close up nose sigOur hearts give thanks for the Grace in the Universe!
Namaste ~ Raven