Native Bees 8/4/14

Flashback Saturday, August 4, 2012 – The clouds were really interesting close to sunset and reminded me of surf at the beach.
August 4, 2012 sigFlashback Saturday, August 4, 2013 – This is my pick photo for today and it stars a bumblebee enjoying a sunflower. This one is super cute!
August 4, 2013 sigMonday, August 4, 2014 – Today we have native bees.  This first one is a carder bee.  We also have a long horned bee and a leaf cutter bee.
8:4:14 little buzzer sig 8:4:14 back sig 8:4:14 back 1 sig“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.”
~ Barack Obama
8:4:14 native bee sig 8:4:14 native bee wings sig  8:4:14 native bee face sig 8:4:14 native bee 1 sig“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”
~ Nelson Mandela
8:4:14 cute longhorn sig Our hearts give thanks for the Grace in the Universe!
Bright Bee Blessings and Namaste ~ Raven

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